Pagency Kiszar Zara
Sire - Khaimas' Saturday Ducky
Dam - Bavaruki High Jinxs At Pagency

DOB: 18/08/13
Eye Test Clear 05/02/2017
Hips: 3 : 3 = 6
Elbows: 0 : 0
LPN 1: D/N Carrier
LPN2: Clear
LEMP: Clear
Weight: 65kg
Height: 76"
Zara is our home bred girl from our mating in Italy with the gorgeous Zaraki, one of the best males that we have ever seen. It was a huge honour for us to have been accepted as one of the few breeders who were ever to use this lovely boy, we thank Alessandra very much for this opportunity.
Zara is her Mother Siska's daughter without a doubt, she is the darling of the girls here as she is so laid back and chilled, always the baby in the pack and known for her nonchalant attitude.
We have never shown Zara so far as she is rather lazy and would prefer to lie down than stand, she is happy to let the others go in to the ring while she can laze about at home. Zara would much prefer to have a sleepover with her sister Minnie to whom she is very close. Minnie lives near by so is often calling to see us, this was the puppy in the litter who didn't leave us until six months old and so Zara has always remained her best friend. They have great fun when Minnie visits us. (Minnie passed away in her sleep very suddenly in March 2023, she was 9 years, six months).
As she has got older, her previous lighter coat has turned darker sable, she has matured in to a lovely female, she is very strong, well toned and a big girl.
Zara makes sure of your attention, she's a very strong female when she wants a fuss, and has been known to give people a playful little nip if she gets ignored, it's all about her lol!
At 4 years old she had her first litter and her second litter at 5 years old. She has produced some lovely puppies, as we expected.
Her best pack friend here was Kiki who we lost in 2018, Zara has missed her very much and has become quite clingy over the last year. She is probably the closest one to resemble her Mum, our lovely, late Siska and has exactly the same gentle nature. Having been the one we thought would step up to be the pack leader after Kiki, she has surprisingly decided to take on a much more relaxing role. She would much rather lie by the fire and watch the world go by.
It is disappointing that she doesn't like the show scene as she is a great example of the breed.
Since we lost Zara, we have noticed this pedigree from the Khaimas kennel in many new dogs coming in to the UK.
We lost our lovely Zara at 7 years of age in September 2020, she just passed away in her sleep. Zara was one of our dogs who hadn't received the supplement Taurine. We are convinced that this supplement reduces heart problems and helps the giant breeds live longer lives. The other dogs in our experiment who did receive it, all lived to over 10 years. Since then, ever dog will have this for the rest of their lives.
RIP and sleep well, our extra super loving Zara who enriched our lives for her lifetime, along with her siblings will never be forgotten 💕🌈

January 2019 Back in condition after her puppies

Age 5, 4 weeks following the birth of her second litter


3 years old

3 years old

April age 3 years

Zara & Kim March 2017