Pagency Noel Litter 8.
17 puppies live, 18 born
10 Male - 7 Female
D.O.B: 13.12.2016
Parents - Click on their name for pedigree and health:
Darco Leon Kral'ovce At Pagency (Slovakian Import)
Sire: Coudy Kipisek Leon Bohemia
Dam: Alia Alba Leon Kral'ovce
D.O.B 16/08/14
LPN1 & 2 Clear
Eyes clear - 25/10/15
Hips: 2 : 3 = 5
Elbows: 0 : 0
Pagency Gdynia Helen
Sire: Knockando's Swedish Roussillon
Dam: Bavaruki High Jinxs At Pagency
LPN1-D/N Carrier
LPN2- N/N Clear
Hips: 3 : 2 = 5
Elbows: 0 : 0
Inbreeding COI: 3.12%
This breeding conforms to all code of ethics for breeding Leonbergers in the UK
What a crazy week we have just had, it's been like a rollercoaster ride of anxious fun..
Hele went in to labour as expected on 12th December and gave birth to a few puppies, followed by more after midnight 13th December. Puppies just kept coming throughout the night and more slowly in the morning. This will be their registered date of birth. We knew it was going to be a big litter but we were not prepared for this amount of puppies. We thought we had finished late morning with a count of 16 puppies, then during the night of 14th December, very unexpected and sadly, Hele gave birth to her 17th puppy, a stillborn male 410g. So all puppies were of good weight, ranging between 380g-550g although most of them around 400g. They were all born healthy and it was a relatively easy whelping for Hele, although very tiring for us all. We had settled in to a routine having 3 groups of puppies so that we could tell that all were getting a proper feed and keep a close eye on them.
Hele had been panting, as they do when feeding puppies and as the milk is coming in, we didn't think this unusual. At 2pm Wednesday afternoon, 41 hours after the first born puppy, little boy no 18 suddenly made his appearance in to the world. He was very weak but alive and we weren't sure if this little miracle was going to make it. We called him Gift, appropriate under the circumstances. He weighed 440g and after giving him lots of attention, life drops and colostrum, we had him feeding properly 12 hours after his birth. He has continued to make super progress, gaining weight and doing as well as all his siblings.
We are in total shock at such a huge litter, it's been a very tense and exhausting week. Hele is taking it all in her stride and enjoying her new babies. Milk has now come in and so far all puppies seem to be getting enough milk and are doing very well. They have all gained weight in the last few days and had their little Christmas collars loosened as they were getting tight. It is extremely difficult to manage so many puppies and the feeding routine seems to go on for hours. We will need to help Hele with the little ones who need more milk to catch up, but for now she is doing ok and producing enough to feed them all.
Due to having no internet or landline this week, we apologise for the late news although we have been in contact with our prospective puppy owners who are eagerly awaiting photos of their new additions. New gallery with all the birth photos below.
14 puppies are already reserved but we now anxiously await the next week and hope that puppies continue to thrive before we advertise any available. Fingers all crossed!
More puppy news next week.
Puppies are all now 7 days old and have made excellent progress over their first week. We are now helping Hele to feed them as there are so many wanting more milk, she can't produce it quickly enough.
Photos have been extremely difficult this week, over a thousand photos taken and one each just about decent enough to post. It has taken a few sessions and many hours to get them all photographed and weighed. More puppy news next week when they will be two weeks old. Intermittent photos will still be sent over what's app & messenger.
Puppies have now all reached two weeks old and are doing very well. Weights are a little varied but this week they will be on porridge and minced beef, so they should even out more! We've never had such lively puppies, photos are proving very difficult as they don't stay still for more than a second. For some reason, puppies always move away from the camera no matter which side you take them, we have many bottom shots and backs of heads.
Finally all puppies photographed as best as possible, it has literally been a labour of love in doing them! They are now too big for one whelping box so we have a puppy pen as well to give them more room. Group photos added of all 17 pups.
We have three females available to suitable, loving & forever homes only.
The weeks are passing quickly by and here we are with puppies three weeks old already. They have done exceptionally well and are now being weaned on to raw minced beef, with porridge for breakfast. The weight is going on fast and Mum Hele isn't needing a constant supply of milk for them, much to her relief. They are now exploring their surroundings and enjoying time out of their pen to have a drink and play. Their little personalities are beginning to show and their magical expressions a picture of happiness as they stride confidently around the room. It's impossible not to cuddle them and absorb as much intoxicating puppy breath as is possible in the process. We can now enjoy this precious time watching them progress each day, a growl here, a bark there, their little eyes following us as we move, and becoming more confident; wanting to leave their safe haven, such beautiful and adorable Leonberger puppies. They can now have visitors, so the new puppy owners can come to see them if they wish, and we are arranging dates for them to go to their new homes. Only two puppies can leave in one day as it is too stressful for their Mum to cope with their loss.
We have two females available to loving forever homes, please use the puppy form to express an interest. A deposit will be required to secure a puppy.
We hope you enjoy the new weekly photos!
13th January
Apologies for late four week photos but finally they are here!
Well! we can't feed these hungry bears quick enough, a diet of minced beef, minced chicken and tripe along with some Gentle, has given them all a good growth spurt. Since moving in to a very large puppy pen where they have plenty of room, they are running, playing with each other and squabbling over toys. The noise is something else with so many excited puppies trying to outdo each other. This week they have enjoyed some visitors who witnessed how good these puppies are with their toilet training, all use the puppy pads already and they are sleeping at night as well. They are very good and contented, if a little bemused when they leave the pen for some individual attention, but they adore being cuddled.
We have met some wonderful people yet again, some who have recently suffered sadness after the loss of a beloved pet. We hope our precious little bundles of fluff will bring happiness back in to their lives and give them a diversion away from their suffering. Pets that we lose can never be replaced, but new pets do help to ease the pain of that loss.
Just three weeks left to go before they start to leave us, we'd better get our cuddles in!
21st January
Five week photos are now ready to view.
They are looking like proper little puppies now, growing every day and exploring and learning as they go. They have also been outside every day this week, watching the big dogs play next to them, and scratching at the door to come back inside when the barking gets very loud. It has been immensely enjoyable watching these little bundles of fun scamper around bright eyed and wonderful. When they are sleeping, we have to be extra quiet, or one little peeping eye opens and the signal soon gets round that it's dinner time; then those sweet and beautiful babies turn in to little gannets as they dive through the door to fill their plump little bellies again.
Thank you to everyone who has come to visit us this week, it's been a great pleasure to meet new people and welcome them in to this lovely breed.
3rd February
Our puppies have started to leave us for their forever homes this week, we hope they have a smooth transition and settle quickly for their new owners. We wish them a very happy and healthy life and hope they bring great joy to their new families. Some photos below in their new homes.
With only nine pups now it is so much easier to keep them clean and although the pups are subdued after losing their mates, they have more room to play and run about. The last two weeks have been extremely difficult as they have grown so much, the poor weather didn't help as they couldn't go outside. The vet health check was great fun with all 17 in two cars but they all got a clean bill of health.
Thanking all our new friends for coming to us for their new family member. So many have travelled the length and breadth of the country, for which we are extremely grateful. Welcome to our growing, extended Leonberger family!
Huge thanks to everyone for sending us photos of all the puppies now settled in their new homes, it has been a delight to see them all.
Photos will now be added to our puppy gallery instead of here.
The biggest litter born in the UK to date
13.12.2017 It is only fitting to have our dear, late Siska in the background of her Grndchildren
Rudi 14 wks
1st lesson at ring craft
Pagency Noel's Ember
Pagency Noel's Frosty 14 wks