Sire: Darco Leon Kral'ovce of Pagency
Dam: Pagency Gdynia Helen
D.O.B 13.12.16
We waited so long for a Hele daughter and Holly has turned out to be more than we could have wished for. Born from a litter of 18, 17 live, and weighing 420g at birth.
Her Dad is our Slovakian import Neo, (Darco Leon Kral'ovce of Pagency) and the first puppy that we have kept from him. Her KC name is a tribute to her breeder Zuzana of the Kral'ovce Kennel, it means Christmas in Slovakian.
Holly had a successful year in the show ring during 2017 and we have enjoyed the few shows that we have done in 2018. At 19 months old, she was a miss fidget and much too nosey to concentrate on the job in hand. Handled by our dear friend Jane, who works hard each week at ring craft in an attempt to improve on her movement and general ring performance. Training never ends!
At Leeds show 2018, Holly, 19 months old, was placed 1st in PGB by Ms Silvia J Monaghan. How refreshing to read such a wonderful unbiased and honest critique from this lady judge who was very complimentary about Holly's attributes. Huge respect!
She has a lovely temperament, very affectionate and playful, Known to take chances, she's quite cheeky and often pushes her luck. She has absolutely no respect for your personal space, always in your face and too close for comfort lol! Holly is a true giant, she is quite tall compared to many females and can equal many males too. This is a quality that is important to us in our breeding, certainly more so than movement.
Holly has the lowest hip scores that we have had so far in our home bred dogs. Although she is clear by parentage for LPN2 & LEMP, we have still had all three blood tests done at Minnesota USA. Alas, she is also LPN1 clear. Holly will be the first LPN1 clear bitch that we have bred from. So far, 3 other clear girls were in our opinion, not the best example of the breed so we chose not to breed them. We have been in no hurry to eradicate this one faulty gene from our breeding, believing without doubt since 2010, that all progeny from a D/N carrier, are as healthy as any clear dog, which has now been proved.
Holly had her first litter of 10 pups at 3 years old. A year later, her second litter only produced 2 little girls. Our third attempt with Holly via AI, only produced one puppy but sadly, Tammy passed away at only seven days old. Holly at 5 1/2 years old is now out of our breeding plans and we will focus on her daughter Milly later in 2022. Milly will hopefully continue our line from our beloved late Siska, her Great-Great grandma.
After losing her Mum Hele, end of 2020, Holly has taken joint leader role along with her best pal Coco, two very strong females in our pack.
It's very doubtful that Holly will be shown again, she much prefers a weekend on holiday to a day out at a show, which she finds very boring. Here she is people watching at our van.
Eyes: HD Clear
Gonioscopy: 0. Pass
Hips: 1:0 = 1
Elbows: 0:0
LPN1: Tested Clear
LPN2: Tested Clear
LEMP: Tested Clear
Achievements of Holly:
Richmond Ch Show 2018
Not placed in PGB
Judge: Barry Blunden
Leeds Ch show 2018
1st in PGB
Reserve Best Bitch in Breed
Judge- Ms Sylvia J Monaghan
Critique: Presents a good picture of substance to size whilst still maintaining her feminine image. Head is well defined
with mask, dark eyed, correct bite, nice reach of neck set on to a good lay of shoulder. Deep brisket with tuck up & is
close coupled. Clean angulations let down on to hocks with nice padded back feet. Maintains a good top line and tail set on
the move and moved soundly with drive.
Blackpool Champ show 2018
Judge: Mr H Richards
WELKS Champ show 2018
VHC in Junior Bitch
Judge - Mrs C Friend-Reese
Crufts March 2018
3rd Place in Junior Bitch (Qualified for Crufts 2019)
Judge - Mrs Sue Thomas
Manchester show January 2018
3rd Place in Junior Bitch
Judge -
LKA Ch show 12.2018
Judge - Sarah Sevastopulo
Midland Counties Ch show 27.10.17
3rd in PB
Judge - Liz Cartledge
Driffield Ch show 28.09.17
PB - 2nd
Judge - Mr Robin Searle
Richmond Ch show 09.09.17
1st puppy bitch
Best Puppy In Breed
Judge- Mrs Jean Lanning
Leeds Ch show 22.07.17
PB - Reserve
Judge - Mr Robin Newhouse
Blackpool Ch show 25.06.17
Judge - Mr Peter Jolley
Gallery for Holly

In recovery with Megi & her Dad Neo 29.05.22

Nice walk with brother Chewie, May 22

60 days pregnant, waiting for her singleton puppy

16.05.2022 Tammy

Holly loving her baby

Tammy baby sadly passed away at 7 days old on 23.05.22

On holiday 11.07.21

On holiday July 2021

June 2021 6 months after her second litter of 2 puppies