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Mr Sultan Of Swing Bertusowey Gaj At Pagency (imp Poland)
Not available at stud
D.O.B: 04.07.2019
Eyes HC: - Clear 7th May 2023
Gonioscopy: - 0
Hips: 4 : 3
Elbows 0 : 0
lpn 1, 2 & Lemp clear by parentage
LPPN3 Clear - Tested Feb 2024

In November 2019, we travelled over 2 thousand miles round trip to Poland for our new addition; Sultan from the Bertusowy Gaj kennel. We met his Mum and Grandma and his other siblings.
This is a (new to us) diverse pedigree that will complement our females for our future breeding plans. There are some dogs in this pedigree that are not known in the UK. His Sire is from Sweden, photos of him below.
At two years of age, he has passed all his health tests and is now officially a proven stud dog. First litter of 6 pups born November 2021 to our Meg.
He has a very gentle and comedic personality, he fits in well with our gang, an easy going, all round character.
Sultan has never been shown due to having rear dew claws which we didn't have removed when he came to England. As an adult, you can't see them under his fur but it would still affect placings by some judges. He spends most of the summer on holiday with Alan & Aslan, he loves every minute exploring lovely walks close to the Lake District.
We have taken our dogs to dog shows since 2008 but since Covid 19 struck, we have spent more time with them on holiday. We think they enjoy this far more than sitting around all day waiting for 10 minutes to run around a ring. It's certainly better for taxing their brains and something that we can all enjoy. Looking back, it's not really much fun for the dogs, it's a very boring sport for them. Now he's four years old, Sultan is a very happy Chappy, very friendly, lovely character and eager to meet new friends.
First pups to Meghan & Sultan November 2021 produced 6 lovely Leonbergers.
Sultan sired his 2nd litter of 7 pups to Coco September 2022.
3rd litter of 10 were born to Meg on 21st March 2023.
4th litter were born to Coco on 19th March 2024

Home of the Gentle Giants
Based in The Potteries
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