Hele & Neo puppies arrived on 02.04.2018
11, of which 5 Male & 6 Female
All puppies are reserved

Puppy News
10th April
Puppies are now a week old and it's always good to get this first week out of the way, things usually run smoothly after this tricky period. We have very good puppies and Hele is most attentive to them, they are content now to lie asleep while Mum takes a break away from them. They are gaining weight every day and from birth they have been even weights, starting from 440g-540g. Hele takes it all in her stride, as a second time Mum, she seems much more chilled this time and with just 11 hungry mouths to feed, she can manage them on her own. Much easier for us too.
16th April
Two weeks old and growing like weeds, gaining weight as they should! Their beautiful dark blue eyes began to open at the weekend so very soon they will be watching life going on outside their safe whelping box. Hopefully next weekend they will move to the puppy pen, that's when the fun begins as they start to explore their surroundings.
All are very healthy and strong, we have started to bring the puppies out of the box to feed on the rug, Hele seems to prefer this once the initial first week is over. From the very start, she has coped well with the cats and our little Angel tottering around her babies, although she's not ready for any help from the other big girls yet.
Hele no longer sleeps with them at night but she pops in to give them a feed when they wake, sometimes a nudge is required from us lol!
23rd April
What a difference a week makes! Now we have little barkers when they are hungry and demanding dinner. Hele has a bit of help now that they are eagerly eating minced beef, milk alone isn't enough for these growing babies.
The solid food is going well, this week we shall add in some ground Gentle kibble to fill them up, raw alone in our opinion, doesn't seem to be enough for them, at least this way we know that with all it's nutritional content, the pups will have the correct balance required at this stage.
Photos took much longer this week as those little legs are getting stronger, they are very fast in getting away from the camera. Pups have the knack of turning the opposite way as soon as you try to take their photo, we have many ill taken shots of backs of heads lol!
Many of these lucky puppies already have their new owners buying new beds and toys in preparation for their arrival in their new homes. It's so good for us to see all the lovely photos of where they will be going and how spoilt they will be, we definitely share in the excitement that a new puppy creates.
30th April
At four weeks old, the pups are now KC registered, just waiting for all the documents to arrive. The names have been added to each photo this week.
We have now added Gentle to their diet and it's going down well, this week they will be introduced to minced chicken, another taste for them to try.
At last, they are sleeping longer through the night, it's always good to get those long nights out of the way. It seems to be once they are on solid food which fills them up more than Mum's milk. We are now beginning the weaning process with just a drink from Mum morning and night and they are adapting well as long as Hele isn't too close to them, one whiff on her and they scream their little heads off.
It's a nice sunny day today, so for the first time, pups are having some fresh air outside in the puppy pen. Weather permitting, we can start to toilet train them to go on the grass, already they are going on paper. Good little puppies!
8th May
Oh heck! it's taken two full days to get the 5 week photos done and it's been very difficult to get great snaps, the little monkeys are never still for long and sleeping photos aren't always the best. They have enjoyed the fresh air and the good weather that we are having, so much so, that last night after going to bed at 11pm, they were completely dry and clean for the first time. At 5am, they were all squealing to go out and ran out on to the lawn to do their ablutions, they have got so used to going outside that it's been quite easy to toilet train them. What super little puppies they are!
It is hoped that this continues when they go to their new homes very soon. Talking of which, the time has gone incredibly fast with this litter, if only we could re-wind and do it all again, it's so enjoyable, we are loving every minute with them. More so this week as we can sit out with them in the garden (and do less housework) lol!
The KC have been very efficient and all the documents have arrived today, along with the 5 weeks Agria insurance that will be activated on their leaving day. Gentle has been ordered, and it's time to start getting the puppy packs and paperwork ready.
So apologies to all the new Mum's and Dad's for the late pics, we have done our best to show your babies as best we can, we hope you are happy with them. More news next week, have fun in the sun!
15th May
Puppies have reached six weeks old and what little whoppers they are, not to mention what little tinkers they are too! They now realise that they can inflict pain with those razor sharp teeth, and boy do they like to nip ankles and exposed toes lol! They now enjoy visitors, especially the ones who wear laces in their shoes, what great fun that game is for them and it's impossible to get down and tie them up without getting attacked.
The weather has been fab and pups love being outside, night time is a pain to get them all in, and when they do go to sleep, they squeal like banshees at 5am to go out on the lawn to do their business. These puppies are as good as house trained, they have always been very clean since three weeks old. This weather is perfect to have a litter, it's so much easier when they can go outside.
We now have just over one week left to enjoy them, they are at that stage when they require one to one attention, and when they don't get it, they begin to torment each other and squabble. We have always let our pups leave at 7 weeks old due to this, they are very intelligent and need so much more at this age, than we can give them in the litter.
Again, that bitter sweet feeling, sad to lose them but happy to see so many new families happy to finally get their bundle of joy. Some who have been waiting for several years for a Leonberger puppy. What fun is about to be had lol!
21st May
The seventh week has arrived and puppies have grown at a considerable rate, not surprising really for what they have consumed, tripe and chicken are their favourite meals of the day and it's gone in no time. Never have a litter of puppies drank so much milk as these. They have been weaned from Mum since four weeks old but we still incorporate substitute milk after this. It's something that we have always done with all our dogs, they love a bowl of Lamlac each day and we continue throughout their lives. There is no need to stop as it contains so many valuable nutrients both for young and old.
All puppies have been given a clean bill of health from the Vet, no observations were found and the boys were in good order, it's always a relief to get that out of the way.
So now we prepare for them to start leaving this week and we look forward to meeting all the new Mums and Dads again. All of whom have been eagerly awaiting this new family member, who will cause chaos within minutes of arriving home lol!
Balbasar puppy is staying with us and he is now called Merlin, Hele will be happy to have another of her babies join our pack.
Our last photos of the puppies, the next ones will be when they are settled in their new homes.
13th June
All our puppies are now well and truly settled in their new homes, it's been wonderful to hear all about their new adventures, they have certainly kept their Mum's and Dad's on their toes. It's easy to forget how hard those puppy days can be and the work involved, sleepless nights etc. Now is the time to get them out to explore the world around them and watch their little characters develop with those new experiences.
Kemba (Vitribelle puppy) had her first outing on the beach with Mum Hele and other family Leos, she was so good and fell asleep in the sand with her brother Kado, from Hele's first litter.
Our own Merlin is now on holiday in Cornwall with Aslan who is teaching him the ropes at just 9 weeks old. Although many vets will tell people not to take puppies out until after their second vaccination, for this breed, this is controversial advice. From our experience, it is perfectly safe with very little risk of disease as they already have a good level of immunity, not just from their Mother, but from the first vaccination. It is more important to take these pups out as early as possible to get them socialised, which is what we have always done without incident. Most people appreciate that we are in a society where everyone gets sued, therefore some professional advice is over cautious and not necessarily in the puppies best interests.
All their new photos are below but in future they will be in our 2018 gallery as this is the last update.
We wish them all a very healthy and happy life and we look forward to seeing them grow in to super Leonbergers in the future. Thanks to everyone for sending these lovely photos of our babies. Another chapter now begins!

Vitribelle With her full blood brother Kado

Kemba having a play on the beach with her Mum and other family members

Aslan taking him in to the sea

His first Cornish holiday




