Nikita & Finnley Litter
Birth 11th June 2019

Pagency Noel's Natala (Nkita)
D.O.B: 13.12.2016
Sire: Darco Leon Kral'ovce SVK Imp
Dam: Pagency Gdynia Helen
Hips: 3-6 = 9
Elbows: 0-0
Eyes HC: 19.11.18
Gonioscopy:1. Pass
LPN1 & 2: Tested Clear
Jantonely Private Finn (Finnley)
D.O.B: 06.12.2014
Sire: Rosaceae Juncelles
Dam: Jantonely Kinda Wanderful
Hips: 2-2 = 4
Elbows: 0-0
Eyes: Clear
Gonioscopy:1. Pass
LPN/Lemp: Clear by parentage

Tuesday 11th June
4pm and labour has started after a restless day, thank goodness! we are ready to roll and will be expecting the first pupppy tonight, all is good and not much longer to wait. Thank you all for your support and patience xxx
7.35pm, first puppy arrived a female weighing 560g Photo of Nala below.
8.55pm second puppy arrived, a female weighing 460g. Photo of Isla below. All good and healthy.
9.25pm third litte girl has arrived weighing 560g. Photo of Connie below, coming with ease and healthy.
11.03pm Fourth little girl arrived weighing 530g. Photo of Oomka below. Come on you boys!
12.00am Fifth puppy, a little boy weighing 500g. Photo of Benson below. Needs a bro!
12.25am Sixth puppy girl arrived weighing 530g. Photo of Melody below. Mum & babies doing great.
2.08am Seventh puppy male arrived weighing 600g. Photo of Captain below
3.04am Eighth puppy 3rd male arrived weighing 630g. Photo of Peter below
Wednesday 12th June
The final count is 8 puppies, 5 girls and 3 boys. This afternoon Nikita had a stillborn boy but sadly there are no more to come. Unfortunately we don't have enough o fulfill our list but we are very thankful for these 8 wonderful babies who are healthy and strong and all doing exceptionally well in their first 24 hours of life. Thank you to all our dear friends, new and old, for the continued support shown to us, we are indeed very blessed! So sorry for any disappointment.
Friday 14th June
Pups are now 2 days old and thriving. They are all gaining weight and are healthy and lively, already trying to scrawl around the whelping box. It's so good to see them here and doing so well. We have called them the Finkin litter, after Finnley and Nikita, who is loving her new role as a Mum and taking it very seriously.
Tuesday 18th June
Hard to believe that puppies are already one week old, the time has gone so fast. It's been an easy week, easy litter for all of us, especially Nikita, who has been an incredible first time Mum. Eight pups really is the perfect sized litter for her to manage well. All are gaining weight every day, they are always hungry and the milk bar is open 24/7 for them lol! It's flowing well, you can hear their little throats taking in the milk as quickly as they can suck it, just like a human baby when they swallow. This time is so precious and very enjoyable, it's always good to get back in to the swing of puppies!
Tuesday 25th June
Two weeks old today and this week we have watched their ears gradually come down and their little blue eyes open, don't we know that they can now hear us going by! They have grown well and are now scrawling around the whelping box at a good speed, too quick for Mum to get in and lie down before they come rushing to her for a feed. Nikita has been the first Mum to allow the other dogs in the same room as the whelping box, today she even allowed little Megi to lick her pups, she has been very relaxed and trusting of them, it's been so good to watch her. New photos of them taken over the week are below, enjoy!
2nd July
It's been a hectic week with puppies outside taking in the fresh air for the first time. At 18 days, it was the youngest that we have ever had puppies out, but these are strong and hardy puppies and enjoyed the warm sun. Then it was porridge gate, which went down well from the first taste and they now cannot get enough. You will see the growth very quickly now, especially once they have been introduced to minced beef this week, oh it's a very messy time! They are also ready for visitors anytime soon as they are enjoying being handled and cuddled, of which there is plenty of. New pics taken throughout their third week below.
9th July
Four weeks have flown by and what a difference in the last week since the pups have been on minced beef, they have piled on the weight. They soon got used to being outside and love it especially when they have the run of the garden, darting about everywhere.These pups seem to be more forward than normal, usually we would just be taking them outside now but they are well adapted to outdoors. It's good to see new families coming to spend time with and enjoy their fur baby, already they are enjoying one to one attention and following people around, typical Leo fashion. Enjoy new photos from this week.
16th July
The pups have had lots of visitors during their fifth week and enjoyed all the extra attention very much. So good to see new Mums and Dads with that 'love at first sight' look as they see their new fur baby for the first time. They are coming on really well, this week we have added ground Gentle to their diet and it's gone down a treat, every bowl full is soon emptied by these hungry little bears, lovely to see them enjoy their food. Chicken has been tried and tested and raw meaty bones are a daily must have, no fussy pupsters here! They have spent so much time out of the puppy pen this week that the little darlings have learned to demand their new found freedom, what a fabulous set of lungs they all have lol! We have also reached the shredding paper time which is so adoringly annoying, life's a little crazy for now!
22nd July
We have now had these little darlings for six weeks and they have all grown incredibly well, especially since they've been eating lots of meat. Tripe was introduced at the weekend and what a scramble there was at the bowl 😁 Meaty bones and chicken were introduced last week and they have loved having a good old chew on them, one each of course, they don't share anymore, but scamper under the hedge or a chair to devour their treat alone.
They have been good pupppies, already going to the toilet on the lawn, they are quick learners. Unlike their large counterparts, they actually take shelter when it rains as not to get wet, while our crazy gang stand in the pouring rain getting soaked! Only two more weeks to cuddle and enjoy these gorgeous babies 🥰 New photos below.
30th July
It's been a case of spy your chance to get a photo when the rain stops this week, rainy weather is just awful when we have pups. Luckily with the new gazebo, they have still been able to go outside and have at least kept dry. Lots of visitors here again all week and pups getting socialised and enjoying the attention. They are eating us out of house and home, there is nothing that they don't enjoy, it's so good to see them devour each meal like they have never seen food before lol! Today they have even tried dried chicken's feet for a change and enjoyed the crunch. Next week they will start to leave us for their forever homes, they are certainly ready for that one to one attention and learning not to bite, which has become rather painful in the mornings when they are excited. New pics at 7 weeks and later this week they have their visit to the vet for their health check.🐾
6th August
Puppies are now eight weeks old and after being given a clean bill of health from our vet, they have started to leave for their forever homes. A happy and sad time all rolled in to one 😔 we dread this week! These pups have been our best litter yet, such good pups, very laid back and wanting to please all the time, house trained too 👍 They have been an absolute delight since 11th June and we have enjoyed every minute with them, except it's all gone way too fast. These lucky pups have amazing homes to go to, we always search for the best homes, but these are our dream forever homes, we couldn't wish for better. We are very grateful to everyone who has come to us for their special new fur baby and we wish them all good health and longevity. We hope they have many happy years with their new families ❤️
13th August
At nine weeks old today, puppies are now all settled in their new homes, photos are showing that they are all happy & doing very well. It has been a very hectic nine weeks, while very enjoyable for us, still hard work and it's sad to see them leave 😟 Another lovely litter, Nikita and Finnley have both done us very proud.
All new photos of these pups will now be in our gallery 2019, I have done a collage to celebrate their new adventure with their new families at 9 weeks.