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Holly has had her babies
Sire is Finnley @ Lyndordream, Sire to our last litter.
Many thanks to his Mummy for allowing us to have his wonderful babies again.

Jantonely Private Finn - Finnley
Sire: Rosaceae Juncelles
Dam: Jantonely Kinda Wonderful
D.O.B- 06.12.2014
Hips - 2:2
Elbows - 0:0
Eyes HC Clear
Gonioscopy Grade 1
Pagency Noel's Vianoce - Holly
Sire: Darco Leon Kralov'ce Of Pagency
Dam: Pagency Gdynia Helen
D.O.B: 13.12.16
Hips: 1:0
Elbows: 0:0
Eyes HC Clear
Gonioscopy Grade 0
30th November - After a two hour labour, Holly safely delivered her first puppy at 1.40am. The others came slowly through the night and day so it's been a long whelping for Holly. Last puppy arrived at 11pm. 10 live, 3 boys & 7 girls, Mum and babies doing very well.
1. 1.40am 1st puppy - Female 520g - Darla
2. 2.10am 2nd puppy - Male 520g - Ruban
3. 4.12am 3rd puppy - Female 570g - Jaeger
4. 6.36am 4th puppy - Female 530g - Vixen
5. 6.58am 5th puppy - Female 370g - Chloe
6. 7.06am 6th puppy - Male 430g - Percy
7. 11.00am 7th puppy - Female stillborn
8. 12.10pm 8th puppy - Female 590g - Milly
9. 12.39pm 9th puppy - Female 520g - Hattie
10.5.00pm 10th puppy- Male 610g - Simba
11.11.00pm 11th puppy- Female 550g - Alice
2nd December - Day 2. Pups are all strong, healthy and gaining weight. Holly is enjoying being a new mum and taking great care of her babies.
5th December - Day 5. All doing very well, the milk is flowing and they are all greedy puppies so gaining good weight now. The night shifts are a killer for these first three weeks, but it's lovely to watch these beauties grow stronger each day. They all have good lungs too! 🐶
7th December - 1 week old today and one of the girls has hit 1kg already. It's been a good week with them all feeding well, it's always good to get this week over with and out of the danger zone. New photos below.
14th December - 2 weeks old and all pups are doing very well, some have their eyes open and they are all scrawling around their box. They can smell and hear Mum when she's close by, so now we have to be quiet when they are asleep, the noise is deafening lol! Holly is happy to come away from them for a couple of hours while they sleep in between feeds. She can then catch up on her very welcome dinner, which she needs plenty of with 10 hungry little ones 🐶 New pics below:
21st December - 3 weeks old and pups have now started on solid foods. We begin with porridge which they weren't keen on, so we went straight on to raw minced beef and they loved it. Now they have the taste for it we will see some serious weight gain this next week. At this stage Holly isn't happy to go in with all the pups, so we bring them out to her one at a time. It is more time consuming but she's more comfortable with it. Perhaps we have another week of being up for most of the night with them but they should start sleeping longer. Here's hoping. As it's now Christmas week, puppies are wearing their Christmas ribbon for their pics. Merry Christmas everyone!
31st December - 4 weeks old and so sorry for the late photos, it's been such a busy Christmas week here, always so much to do with a large pack of dogs who require lots of attention.
Pups are now eating huge amounts of minced beef with ground Gentle and they certainly let us know when they are hungry. Mum doesn't have much milk so they are having Lamlac milk instead, although still have a suckle a couple of times a day. Photos this week have been very difficult and if the pups look a bit glossy, it's because they are damp from feeding and Holly insists on licking them clean. Wishing everyone a Very Happy New Year 🥳
6th January 2020 - Puppies are now 5 weeks old and they have come on so well over the holidays, they enjoy their food and are now fully weaned, including having small biscuit to crunch on.
The potty training has been the best we've ever had with no accidents on their bedding, they use paper the whole time. This week they will venture outside for the first time, just for a short while. Unfortunately, winter litters are not outside the same as summer litters when the weather is warmer, but we will get them accustomed to the outdoors. This week we will register them all with the Kennel Club and also book their vet check appointment for later this month. It's all going very fast and they will be leaving us before we know it. New pics at 5 weeks below.
11th January - Here we are at six weeks old and the pups are changing almost daily now. Their cheeky little characters are forming well and they know what they want. We do admit to having a puppy pen full of baby crocks though, boy do they bite your ankles! Getting in and out to change their potty tray is rather a challenge and not for the faint hearted. They are so good and clean, we have used a different regime this time, training them since three weeks old and it has worked superbly. All pups go on to the designated tray filled with paper, we have no mess in the puppy pen in the mornings, it's so much easier. This week they also had their first taste of the outdoors, it's been quite mild and they enjoyed the fresh air. Photos are horrendous to get as the pups don't stay still for more than a second, it's an ordeal for us but we have done our very best for their new families 😄
18th January - Pups are now seven weeks old and keeping us very busy with their antics, there really is never a dull moment with them. They are proper little puppies now, getting bigger by the day and eating well. They are also getting ready for their new homes very soon, Leo pups mature quickly and they need one to one attention, something that we cannot give to them while in the litter. We have the vet check booked for next week, oh what fun that will be 🙈 then we will begin saying our goodbyes at the end of next week. Fluffy puppies in the photos this week after having to be bathed 🐶🐶
23rd January - The vet check this week went very well, all pups given a clean bill of health, it's always good to come away with that little escapade all complete. 1st vaccination and microchip was given by our vet and a summary of the examination will be in each puppy pack. Pups were good as gold and even posed for a nice photo on the table. Weights range from 6.5kg to 9.3kg, noted on their photos this week. We now get ready for them to leave for their forever homes over the next week, bitter sweet, but will be lovely to get the house straight again 😉
25th January - 8 weeks old and it's time to leave home for most of them, new photos as each puppy leaves us over the next couple of weeks. We wish all our puppies a long and happy life in their forever homes and we hope they bring joy and happiness to their new families. They leave with our love and very best wishes 💕
18th February - All puppies are now in their forever homes as they reach 11 weeks old, Darla left us only last week as she was going to Canada to join her cousin Dolly. She had a good journey and was happy to meet her new parents and doggy family, she in now one of the gang. News from all owners is that puppies have settled well and everyone is enjoying and adapting to life with a young puppy. The last photos will be in this gallery and then they will all go in to the 2020 gallery and this page will no longer be updated.
We are very happy and proud of another successful litter, thank you to everyone for coming to us xxx